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Understanding Hair Loss

The life cycle of the hair

The life cycle of hair is different for each person and depends on many factors, the most important of which is genetic predisposition.

There are three stages:

This is the growth phase. About 85 – 95 percent of the hair on your head is at this stage of the life cycle.

At this stage growth slows down. Within a few weeks the hair follicle shrinks.

Now the hair is ready to fall out, and as a new hair begins the growth phase, it pushes the old hair out.

As the years go by, fewer new hairs begin the growth stage

Causes of hair loss

Myriad factors contribute to male hair loss such as pre-existing diseases, stress, unhealthy habits, medications, hair treatments and hormonal changes. However, the primary driver is genetic. Research indicates that 70% of the male population experiences hair loss at some point in their lives.

Hair loss in women is more complex. The most common cause is also predominantly hereditary, but damage to the hair follicles can often be caused by excessive hair strain due to modes of styling and treatments with strong chemicals. Iron deficiency and menopausal hormone change play a part too.

How to fight hair loss

In some cases, hair loss leads to significant psychological disorders associated with low self-esteem or even depression. DHI has developed and now offers effective treatments aimed at treating hair loss and improving the psychology of patients. The advanced Direct Hair Implantation technique is the most popular and safe treatment. The results of diagnostic tests determine the ideal treatment plan for each patient. A brief consultation with DHI experts is enough to answer all your questions about hair loss with modern DHI treatments.

Natural results forever, only from DHI

The DHI Hair Transplant is the most advanced and effective hair
restoration treatment in the world and is offered exclusively by the
official centers of DHI Global Medical Group. All treatment plans are bespoke and built on thorough diagnostic foundations.

Every hair transplant session is performed exclusively by experienced doctors and not by nurses or self-proclaimed “specialists”. DHI certified medical staff have set the industry gold standard in this kind of procedure, establishing strict protocols at all stages of the process.

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